6/29/2023 – by: Shawn Fisher
One in series of posts by Southern New England Conference delegates to the 34th General Synod of the United Church of Christ.

I thought the first inspiration to post about Synod would come once I got there. I was wrong. I’m sitting here in Philadelphia International after three flight changes and grateful to have a flight to get to Indianapolis at all.

This picture is what I saw as we landed coming in from Hartford. Some of you may be familiar with this kind of picture. It’s mostly from the smoke from the fires in Canada. It makes it hard to see what’s right there in front of me.

I feel that’s taking place a lot today. Like there’s a layer of thick heaviness that impedes vision and taxes spirits and bodies and minds. That heavy smoke makes it harder to do everything else.

I think that’s one of the opportunities that Synod presents. We have an opportunity to help provide clarity of vision in a time where it’s hard to see. We have an opportunity to learn and listen and come back with ways to better help our communities to lift some of the heaviness that people feel.

We have a chance to come up with some degree of alignment on where to point our light that may make The Way of Jesus more clear; a way that can help guide people through a fog they may not even be aware is there. To name it. Address it. And, in doing so, provide light and Hope to a world that desperately needs it.

Peace, Shawn