I love this picture. Not like I love my family or Jesus (we’re so limited with that word “love” in the English language) but I do love it.
It makes me smile when I look at it. Not because it has the best lighting or that I look all that great in it (it was really early when it was taken and I am decidedly not a morning person), but I do love it.
I genuinely felt I was part of a team when we took it. We don’t all know each other personally (yet) and we have a long way to go to fully become a crew team rather than independent power boats, but I can feel it happening – that team thing.
I don’t know what the future holds. I do know this. I move forward into that future more confidently when I look at this picture and get to know these people – and that is enough for me in this moment.
Peace, Shawn
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